Trump: More fit for the Big House and not the White House

Trump would imperial America if re-elected

Will the legal system prevail against Trump?

As the first of the legal trials against Trump is set to begin next week, it will be interesting to see how easy or difficult it is to pick jurors and watch the trial proceed. It’s no wonder that Trump made numerous efforts to stall the proceedings, as he is and will continue to do so with all of the charges against him. It’s quite obvious that he wants to do so, hoping that he’ll get re-elected so that he can direct the DOJ to dismiss all of them. Typical Trump cowardice. He states over and over that he has done nothing wrong, stated in the past (for an event not related to his charges) that he doesn’t do coverups, and keeps blaming his legal problems as election interference, no doubt by the Biden weaponized DOJ. Trump may have been skirting the law and the justice system all his life and thinks he can get away with any action without impudence. No person should be able to do that.

In a similar vein, I’m puzzled as to why it is taking so long for the courts to move on the other charges. I presume that a lot of that is due to Trump’s interference, such as the ludicrous claim that he has “absolute immunity” while in office because he was president, which SCOTUS has not yet ruled on. I also totally disagree that they refused to let Colorado remove him from the presidential ballot due to Jan. 6. I think any state that feels strongly enough that Trump engaged in insurrection should be able to bar him from the ballot, and I don’t think that the SCOTUS ruling that this could enable any state to disqualify a candidate due to other reasons is a valid reason for the latter’s ruling. Maybe if Trump wasn’t allowed to run, then the MAGA supporters would have to back another person, maybe Nikki Haley, for example, and Trump’s legal proceedings would proceed more expeditiously, and he would be held accountable for all of his past egregious actions.

My biggest fear is that Trump will still be on the ballot in November, but I can balance that trepidation with what I’m sure will happen, that enough Americans will see the true nature of this man and vote for Biden. That would surely be a better outcome. And who knows, I would be thrilled if Ms. Haley re-entered the race. I would vote for a qualified Republican candidate if one was on the ballot, and I hope others would do the same.

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