Trump: More fit for the Big House and not the White House

Trump would imperial America if re-elected

More reasons not to vote for Trump.

Possibly the biggest strike against him is his role in Jan. 6. It is mind boggling that a person can incite an insurrection because he didn’t like the results. Only four years earlier, Trump placed his hand on a Bible and swore to uphold and protect the Constitution. Then he turns around and mocks this document because he couldn’t handle leaving the White House. I’m sure that there are a myriad of reasons why he told the raucous mob to walk down the street and violently disrupt what should have been an orderly, commonplace process of verifying the election results. The chaos, death, and destruction that ensued are unforgivable and Trump played a direct part in this event. Even worse, he watched it unfold on TV for several hours before he called on his supporters to go home. I suspect that the most reasonable explanation for the latter chain of events was Trump’s overindulgence in occupying the highest office in America and how his perceived adulation as #45 boosted his ego, and his bank accounts, to levels he never dreamed of and didn’t want to part with at any costs.

I also totally disagree with the SCOTUS decision that Trump cannot be barred from state ballots due to violating the 14th Amendment clause about officers being barred from holding federal office if they partake in an insurrection against the U.S. government. In this regard, it remains to be seen when Trump’s trial for Jan. 6 will take place. Of course, Trump wants to delay all of his court cases until after the election in the hope that he will be re-elected and can direct the DOJ to erase all of that, and/or possibly try to pardon himself. Trump denied that in a reply to a reporter, in so many words, but any intelligent person would be highly skeptical of his comment in light of “The Big Lie” and thousands of over lies he told when he occupied the WH.

Finally, for this blog page, why are the MAGA supporters so zealous about Trump? His actions and behaviors in the past, before and after he was president, are extremely alarming. I believe his character prevents him, and should have prevented him in the first place, from being elected president. Numerous people have cited how narcissistic he is, and his fascination with money and power are a cause of alarm. His statements about minorities, veterans, and others should be grounds alone to keep him out of the public eye for eternity. I sincerely hope that he is held accountable for his actions and never again poses a threat to out country’s democracy.